Monday, September 29, 2008

How to Flash the Ladera Gang Sign

West Side Los Angeles. East Side Los Angeles. South Central. Compton. Oaktown. And introducing: Ladera Ranch! It is time, my friends, for the fine of Ladera Ranch to join the ranks of the tens of California areas that have their own gang sign. Not only will it toughen the image of, but it will also give a sense of camaraderie and a means of identification when not in the confines of "The Ranch" (that's what the locals call it).

Now for the step-by-step instructions as to how to construct this exciting gang sign:

Step 1: Extend your right* hand out in front of you so that you are doing about half of a "Sieg Heil"

Step 2: Extend index finger

Step 3: Extend thumb (you should now have a backwards "L" shape)

Step 4: Extend middle finger then overlap and hook it around your extended index finger

Step 5: Now face the palm of your hand towards your body

Step 6: Congratulations! You are now flashing the Ladera Ranch gang sign!

* When posing for photos, repeat these steps with left hand to be sure that the image isn't in reverse.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Road Religion

South Orange County Freeways can be a fascinating place. I can't tell you how many times I have almost smashed into a beige Lexus SUV trying to figure out what their personalized licence plate says or trying to figure out which DVD their kids are watching in the backseat. Another thing I've noticed lately is how proudly people display their belief systems on their vehicles. You've got the Jesus fish (this is the most common), then the Darwin fish (which is just like the Jesus one, only it's got legs), then you've got the Jesus fish eating the Darwin fish, and vice-versa. I don't get it. Why do we need to know this about you when you are driving? The last place I want people to know that I am following Jesus is on the freeway. Here's an example of a reason why:

Last Sunday I took the freeway to church. As it was Sunday, I pressed number five on my pre-set radio stations to take me to "The Fish" station- something I hadn't done since last Sunday. Anyway, I was singing the tunes, proclaiming the words of Jesus' love for everyone when all of the sudden, some royal a-hole swerves and almost hits me, speeds up , then cuts me off. I then proceeded to say lots of things, none of which had anything to do with Jesus or love, when I noticed two things: one was the very rude gesture Mr. Hole was making towards me out of his driver's side window, the other was the Fish symbol on his bumper next to about five "Harvest Crusade" stickers. I thought to myself how hypocritical he was, uttered a few more profanities as he made his gesture more violent, called him one last name, then finished up the song about Jesus' love.

Then I turned my head and the plank in my eye almost busted through my windshield.

It was then that I realized that it might not always be the best idea to display your beliefs on your car. I mean, seriously, if I'm going to crash into you, I'm going to crash into you- your stickers or symbols are not going to stop my car from smashing yours if you do something stupid.

Perhaps we should display those symbols somewhere where we ourselves can see them and be reminded to love everyone as Jesus does....even Mr. Hole.

Monday, September 8, 2008

So This is a Blog

School has officially started which means it is now time for me to find new ways to not study. What better way to accomplish this task then starting a "blog". What a blog is is still not exactly clear to me. Is it short for something? Blog. It's fun to say. Blog. Is it one of those words like "blurb"? Blurb. Blurb. That one's fun to say, too. I guess I'll ask around and look into this blog thing- Blog. Blog. Bloooooooog. It doesn't get old - so I know exactly how this space is supposed to be filled. Blurb.