Wednesday, May 19, 2010

old friend

Hello old friend. It’s been a while.

I know I said I didn’t want to see you anymore.

But these empty hands make me nervous.

I gave you away.

I’ll admit I felt better.

But I just don’t know who I am without you.

You keep me stuck, but I feel secure.

Come here.

Just for a moment.

My how you’ve grown.

You were tiny a second ago.

I think I changed my mind.

Go away. You’re scaring me.

I don’t think I want you anymore.

Please leave.

Oh no. You’re still here.

And you’re bigger now.

How could I ever give you my strength?

You’re right. I can’t fight.

I’m not strong enough.

But wait.

I know a Lion. And He’s bigger than you.

And he’s prettier, too.

I remember now!

He’s beat you before. Lots of times.

How could I forget?

I guess it’s been a while since you and I last met.

Well that’s it, old friend. The Lion is coming.

Hopefully it will be longer this time, before I think I need you.

Maybe never.

He’s here.

He always comes.

Goodbye, old friend.

Monday, February 22, 2010

You Called

You called my name
and I didn't hear.
My ears were covered,
filled with distraction
filled with destruction
filled with discouraging despair.

You called again.

This time I heard something. 
I turned around, curious. 
It only took me a moment
to dismiss you as the wind,
as a coincidence
as a fleeting thought taking a detour
onto the traffic-laden highway of my mind. 

You called again. 

This time I heard it. 
I laughed.
Why would You want to talk to me?
What could You possibly say?
What could I possibly do?
Dismissing myself, I politely nodded
and walked away.

You called again.

This time I hear You. 
I still think it's funny,
but you still want to talk.
Okay, You win.

I'm listening. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010


My head hits the pillow, desperately seeking rest.
Sleep does not come.
My mind fills with the regrets of the past
and the mistakes of the day.
I toss and I turn; my mind remains restless.
A distant whisper:
"I am."

My head empties and I begin to drift. 
A moments peace interrrupted once again as my mind rapidly fills
With worries of the future: future regrets and future mistakes.
I am restless once again.

Thoughts of my job, my education, and my security
pass through my brain, mocking me
and keeping me from the restorative sleep that
I am desperately seeking.
Another whisper:
"I am."

My mind empties. 
There I lay in the present,
my head on my pillow
seeking rest.
I am with I am.

A blissful sleep soon follows.